Wednesday 1 September 2010

Battle of the...

Whilst I'm on the subject of blogs, I'd like to get your thoughts on creating and maintaining one. As I said in my previous post, I have blogged before. I have previously used tumblr to create postings on the design related world and as you can see now, I'm using blogspot.

So what I'd like to hear from people reading this is which one's better?

I know what I think. I find tumblr much easier to use when it comes to posting images, video and music. I also enjoy the news feed of all your blogger friends posts, a little like the facebook homepage. It is through these unexpected postings that I have found some very interesting material.

One thing that tumblr doesn't have is a commenting system like blogspot, hence the reason for the switch. For some people comments are an unwelcome addition to their blog and a way for people to clutter their minimalistic style sheet, so tumblr is fine, but for people who's blogs rely on comments to provoke conversation and interesting reading, blogspot has to be the answer out of the two.

But when it comes down to it, as a designer it always comes back to the same thing about blogspot. Why does it look so ugly? When creating this blog I browsed a few of the themes and was horrified! What ever happened to less is more? Does this bother other people enough to make the switch to another blog such as tumblr? Or maybe there are other blogging platforms out there which combine the best of both? Any insight to this would prove very interesting.

Since I'm backing the blue corner, is anyone going to back the orange?

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