Wednesday 1 September 2010

Another blog

I'd like to start this blog with a little wikipedia fact: In June 2008, Technorati was indexing 112.8 million blogs, a figure that is likely to have risen significantly since then. This may come as a surprise to some people but to others, this figure will represent all those terrible blogs we've stumbled across on our various searches inside the world wide web in search for something interesting.

So the question is “Does the world need another blog”. The answer to this question is obviously no, but still hundreds, if not thousands of blogs are born every week from the insignificant ramblings of people who think that the world cares about what funny dance their cat did that morning.
The design world is no exception when it comes to cat dancing bloggers though, with the mass posting of peoples work with no real academic insight or beneficial rationale concerning the reason for the post, other than that of design eye candy.

Don't get me wrong, I love design eye candy. I too was also guilty of jumping on the eye candy band wagon, but with stats low on my blog I soon realised I was an insignificant blogger with my posts being lost in the sea of millions of design related images already out there. It is increasingly harder for new design blogs to be recognized by a mass audience as their are so many already out there, and people tend to read a couple of their favourites on a regular basis. Many of those design blogs who pull in the crowd were their at the start of the the design blog boom and are updated daily with postings on all of designs latest news. So for new blogs, just the prospect of having a few hundred regular readers can be a challenge.

Knowing that I can not keep up to speed on the numerous daily postings of whats in and whats not, I intend to discuss and review my findings within the design world rather than throw them in your face in such an impersonal manner with no explanation like before. Hopefully then some people may find my comments interesting but just like so many other blogs out there, it is likely my thoughts will go unnoticed by the vast majority of people.

I'd love to here what you think makes a good/bad blog and if you agree/disagree with my ramblings.

All comments welcome!

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