Friday 29 October 2010


Whilst on placement at Love I was given one of their Love bags. The copy is great and definately the best out of the three. They are available over at the Love shop, something you don't find on many design studios website. But then again the Love website is quite unique compared to others within the field. Take the Who? part for example, where some of the likenesses are just uncanny!

Trevor Jackson

I have been a big fan of Trevor Jackson for a long time (I say a long time, I mean since the start of 1st year ate uni, prior to that I had no clue as to what actual graphic design was). I read an interview with him in one of my first computer arts projects magazines and liked him more for his career path than actual work, designer/ dj/ producer. Then when I was aware of what was good design and what wasn't, I liked him even more. This copy for a club tote bag makes me smile everytime.

Thursday 28 October 2010


After looking through his work, it seems Richard Robinson has quite a few clients in the music industry. One piece that did catch my eye were these soulwax sleeves. Something I saw a while back but thought that Trevor Jackson was the sole designer on them. It seems I was mistaken though and it was though a collaboration with Richard Robinson he designed them.

An obvious statement to the sometimes over designed music artwork currently out there, these sleeves create interaction with the audience, a two way conversation where the meaning is not instantly recognisable but requires a certain level of input from the viewer and doesn't treat them like an idiot who has to have it spelled out to them.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


Rankin has recently launched his new site with a huge archive of his work. Great site design and the ability to browse through images using the keypad is especially nice.

Le Mans Classic

I'm amazed with Laurent Nivalle's photographs of Le Mans Classic. Some perfect crops and loving the soft colours which make you uncertain as to how recent these photographs were actually taken. His passion for cars is obvious after a look through the rest of his stunning portfolio.

Volkswagen literature 1936-2005

A huge selection of Volkswagen product literature, with some dating back to 1936. An amazing archive and well worth setting some time aside for a good look.

Monday 25 October 2010


Whilst writing my last post I spent longer than initially intended looking through Rands work. One piece which stood out particularly was the abc logo designed in 1962 yet still looks as fresh as ever and still being used on print ads for the American Broadcasting Company.